The influence of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) on views of marriage, divorce and remarriage has been profound. As one of the seven sacraments, marriage and its guidelines are based on scripture. However since the church produced the scripture, the church has the authority to interpret its meaning.Specifically, the following scriptures provide the framework for the Indissoluability of marriage:
The couple is united (glued) together and cannot be separated (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:6).
- A second marriage that follows a divorce for any reason is adulterous (Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18).
- Only the death of a spouse dissolves a marriage (Rom 7:1-4).
- There are only two options after a divorce: reconciling or remaining unmarried (I Cor 7:10-11).
Even the ‘exception’ clause of Matt 19:9 and 5:32 does not break a marriage. While it may define the divorce, the clause does not allow a second marriage. While the couple may be divorced in “man’s eyes” they are still married in the “eyes of God”. If one of them does remarry after the divorce yet prior to the death of their previous spouse, the marriage is not recognized by the Catholic church and is considered adulterous. As such the couple is “living in adultery” and neither is eligible to take communion therefore placing their eternal salvation in jeopardy.